Barnabas is chiefly remembered as Saul's (later Paul) principal companion on his first missionary journey (Acts 13:1-28) and for the part he played, together with Paul, both during the Council of the Church in Jerusalem (Acts 15:12), and afterwards (Acts 15:22-31). His importance in the eyes of the early Church is confirmed by the fact that both he and Paul are referred to as apostles in Acts 14:4 and 14:14 (NIV). Barnabas is also remembered for his unfortunate dispute with Paul (Acts 15:36-39), and his willingness to submit to peer pressure over the question of table-fellowship with Gentile believers (Galatians 2:11-13). However, 1 Corinthians 9:6 offers a hint of a possible reconciliation with Paul and the restoration of the former partnership. |
We invite you to answer the following questions. Although this Focus is rather more ambitious than the previous three, your answers will provide you with a helpful survey of the main episodes in Barnabas' life and work. All the answers can be found in the passages from of Scripture to which we refer. Where we have referred to other scriptures, this is either to confirm or to amplify what is said in a certain verse, or verses.
(As indicated on the map below, this journey is often referred to as 'Paul's First Missionary Journey'. For a reason you will discover in question 7, it was the only one undertaken jointly by Barnabas and Paul.) (The above map is reproduced by kind permission of Wayne Blank, author of the Daily Bible Study website, which may be accessed via our Links to Other Websites.) Some particular things we would encourage you to focus upon in the account of the journey are:
Personal Applications
(Visitors from Help with Daily Bible Reading return to Main Text)
If you have found this Bible Focus profitable, you may wish to probe more deeply into the situation which Barnabas, Paul, and the other apostles were faced with, by reviewing the account of the Council of the Church in Jerusalem in Acts 15:1-35. Particular points worth reflecting upon are:
We hope this Bible Focus has helped you to appreciate Barnabas' strength of character and the way in which God used him to build-up the Church. Yet, at the same time, the Bible does not hesitate to expose his weaknesses. Indeed, it is characteristic of the Scriptures to present its heroes - even the greatest, such as Elijah - 'warts and all', as a salutary reminder to us that they were as human as we are (James 5:17). Even so, God graciously used them in his service, as he has countless millions of his servants down the years.
In question 5 (ii) of this Focus we touched on the key element of the apostles' preaching - the forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus (Acts 13:38-39). In our fifth Focus we build on this by examining the critical events which lie at The Heart of the Gospel. |
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